Whip City BMX is built on the volunteers that come out and help during our events.  Without them, there would be no Whip City BMX.  If you are a parent of a racer, you know that the time your child is on the track is only a fraction of the time you are actually at the track.  Why not come out and help!

Most of the volunteers are parents of racers; some are retired racers from "way back in the day;" and some are parents of retired racers.  We even have a few racers themselves who volunteer between their motos.  We could always use more volunteers to help us at any of our events.  Here are some of the things YOU could be doing at Whip City BMX:


Corner Marshall Responsible for monitoring the riders on the track for any illegal moves, riders who intentionally cut the track, and assisting as needed with any rider who has fallen.  cornermarshall.jpg (47525 bytes)
Staging Assistance Responsible for helping our head stager (Bob) organize the racers for their motos. staging2.jpg (257248 bytes)
Scorer Responsible for writing down the finishes for each moto (there are usually three scorers needed for each event). n-jennandsue.jpg (31692 bytes)
Track Hydration Responsible for keeping the track moist (not wet) to keep dust at a minimum and provide track durability stagerchange.jpg (65937 bytes)
Announcer Responsible for announcing what is happening on the track, reading moto sheets for number-name matching, announcing other miscellaneous race stuff.  state2-01-mike.jpg (35558 bytes)
EMT/Paramedic Responsible for providing medical assistance as needed to racers and spectators and filling out accident reports as needed.  Medical experience is necessary. 
Track Maintenance This is usually done on a non-race night or weekend and the track director must be present.  This can include anything from packing the track, raking the track, filling in washed-out areas, repairing fencing, maintaining electrical units and lighting, mowing grass, picking up loose trash in the track area, etc. If you would like to help with track maintenance, please contact Al.
This page was updated 3/20/2025