So, you are ready for a great night of racing and the motos have just been posted...and you wage the million dollar question...WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN??

Hopefully this page will help you answer that question....we have posted 5 examples of the basic types of motos in which you may be placed.  A few important things to remember:

  • The motos are usually posted to the right of the food concession area, on the brown moto board.
  • ***Motos are also posted ONLINE at
  • It takes 3 riders to form a legal class.  If there are less than 3 riders for a class, those riders will be combined with (or "travel" to) the next available class until a legal moto is formed.
  • In the case of combining classes, the class in which the moto was formed will appear on the moto sheet as the class for the moto. (For example, if a 15-year old intermediate does not have a class and he has to "travel" to the 16-year old intermediate class, and this combination forms a legal moto, the class that will appear on the top of the moto sheet will be 16 intermediate.)
  • If there is a problem with your moto, PLEASE go back to registration as soon as possible.
  • The number of riders in a class will determine the transfer method, the number of riders who will qualify out of each moto, the number of groups your class, and the number of trophies awarded.  THE NUMBER OF QUALIFYING RIDERS FROM EACH MOTO MAY CHANGE FROM WEEK TO WEEK, BASED ON THE NUMBER OF RIDERS FOR YOUR CLASS.  THIS COMBINATION (FOR EXAMPLE, 1-1-2, OR 2-2-3, OR 2-2-2, ETC.) WILL APPEAR AT THE TOP OF YOUR MOTO SHEET. 
  • This page compliments the page on the USA BMX qualifying system, which details the qualifying system.  We highly recommend visiting it - USA BMX qualifying page.. 
  • There are also some Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on our FAQ page that may help to clear up some of your moto questions.  

Here are 5 moto sheet examples of typical transfer combinations  (Click on the image for a larger printable image):

TOTAL POINTS: 3 riders, no main event, racers will race in all 3 motos with their 3rd moto held during the main events. moto sheet example total points.gif (25982 bytes)
Qualify 2-2-3: 8 riders, 1 group, once a rider qualifies for the main, he/she does not race again until the main.  moto sheet example full gate.gif (32463 bytes)
Qualify 1-1-Combine 4: 9 riders, 2 groups, once a rider qualifies for the main, he/she does not race again until the main.  moto sheet example combine 4.gif (35604 bytes)
Qualify 1-1-2: 10 riders, 2 groups, once a rider qualifies for the main, he/she does not race again until the main.  moto sheet example 2 group main.gif (32410 bytes)
Qualify 1-1-2 to Semi and Qualify 4-4 to Main: 15 riders, 3 groups, once a rider qualifies for the semi-main, he/she does not race again until the semi-main; from the semi main, the riders must then qualify for the main.  moto sheet example semi.gif (37674 bytes)

This page was updated 8/10/2021